Becoming: A Call to Love

$ 16.00 USD

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The spirit is very near. Only turn, ask, and listen. 


When her first book of guidance, Turning, was published anonymously in 1994, many readers responded gratefully to its message. It quickly became one of those “secret” books of consolation that is passed from heart to heart. In Becoming, a treasury of meditations received in the soul, Claire Blatchford leads us more deeply into a way of spiritual trust and confidence and will be a further source of growth and renewal for many in times of need. 


Becoming is a wonderful gift for yourself or for a friend in need of inspiration and courage in life.



Praise for Claire Blatchford’s Turning: 


“These passages are not only profoundly comforting; they open up a whole new way of being in the world.”–Andrew Leaf, Rockville Center, NY 


“Turning came to me at a time of greatest need with an enduring message: Learn to listen in the stillness of the heart to the Voice within, the Voice of One who guides, encourages, and loves us for good.”–Peter Bazell, Milwaukee, WI 


“I was struck by the simplicity, power and truth of every word. I have sent Turning to many of my friends and family.” –Paul Margulies, Great Barrington, MA 


“I was told to hold the book, to ask what was troubling my heart, then to open the book and read. I have been soothed and warmed by the messages. They have helped to focus my life and to ground me when I have felt at a loss.”–Kay Morton, Thetford, VT 


“Turning appeared in my life when I was beginning to reap the harvest of a long illness. It provided encouragement and confirmation, the words flowing into and around my life like water.”–Frances Stadlen, London, England 


“Turning had an immediate impact on me. It affirmed that Christ speaks to each individual constantly and holds us in His heart.”–Neill Reilly, Plandome, NY