Five Articles from the Book Der Toneurythmie Kurs von Rudolf Steiner (edited by Stefan Hasler), Translated by Dorothea Mier

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Five Articles from the Book Der Toneurythmie Kurs von Rudolf Steiner (edited by Stefan Hasler), Translated by Dorothea Mier is backordered. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days.

This volume includes english translations of five articles from the German book, Der Toneurythmie Kurs von Rudolf Steiner (edited by Stefan Hasler).

The contents include:

Forward by Dorothea Mier

1. The Emergence of the Musical out of the Polarity of Major and Minor - Goethe's Music Theory and Tone Eurythmy, Introduction to the first lecture of Eurythmy as Visible Singing - By Ingrid Everwijn, Trans. by Dorothea Mier

2. An Esoteric Intermezzo - The inner silk Road - By Elsemarie Ten Brink, Trans. by Dorothea Mier

3. A Eurythmical Path of Practice - Cross and Resurrection - By Carina Schmidt, Trans. by Dorothea Mier

4. From the Beginning Time of Tone Eurythmy - The Indications for the Forming (Gestaltung) of the 'Steps' - By Margrethe Solstad, Trans. by Dorothea Mier

5. From "the Primordial Tao of Atlantis" to the Present: Rudolf Steiner's Descriptions of the TAO - By Ulrich Kaiser, translated by Cliff Venho

Biographies of Authors


Translated by Dorothea Mier and Cliff Venho

Published by Dorothea Mier 2015

8.5" x 11"

68 pages