A Biodynamic Manual 2nd. Edition
$ 29.95 USD
Practical Instructions for Farmers and Gardeners
“The definitive practical manual for biodynamic farmers and gardeners, with a section on viticulture.”
—David Lorimer, Scientific Medical Network Review
For anyone already practicing, or turning to, biodynamic gardening and farming methods, numerous detailed questions arise, such as:
How do I choose my seeds?
What fertilizers should I use?
Which natural products are most effective?
This manual, fully illustrated with explanatory diagrams and photographs, provides the answers. The book covers:
all aspects of making and using biodynamic preparations and composts
managing the health of plants
weed control
parasite control
issues of mixed cultivation
animal care
specialized crops and planting such as fruit trees and vines
Although the technical aspects of biodynamic growing are exhaustively covered, the author also considers the human qualities necessary for this kind of agriculture to succeed.
A Biodynamic Manual is an invaluable guide for all biodynamic growers to have to hand daily.
Written by Pierre Masson
240 pages
5 1/2" x 8 1/2"