Being Consciousness Bliss A Seeker’s Guide

$ 24.00 USD

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Many people are looking for a deeper and richer spiritual life. They sense that there is more to their existence than the surface of life seems to offer, but they are confused and uncertain about where to look and how to begin. 


Being Consciousness Bliss is a rich, profound, and eminently accessible compendium of wisdom that will help orient people toward a more fruitful spiritual search. Drawing on a dazzling array of sources, including the insights of G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky as well as the spiritual traditions of the East, it gives a clear and compelling account of the true inner structure of the human being and how it may be developed to its full potential.


Part One discusses the current human condition — the "sleep" of ordinary life — and how a person may begin to wake up from it. 


Part Two offers a feast of excerpts from the Perennial Philosophy — the great wisdom tradition that underlies all cultures and religions — to feed and nurture the growth of the soul. 


Part Three provides simple ways to put these insights into practice in daily life. 


Clear, sensible, and erudite, Being Consciousness Bliss is a resource, suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners, to be used and treasured for many years.



"This is a feast of a book, spread out like a banquet of the freshest foods, served wholesomely, and presented artfully. Starting from a premise that "the aim of human life is to know who we are - to realize our Self, our true nature, and our identity with the Universal Self...," Fitzgerald's poetic and passionate prose awakens consciousness on a deep level. She helps us feel the Self, so we can begin to work with the Self. To complement her own inspired writing, she includes a section with words of wisdom from other sources, grouped by such intent as to examine suffering or to explore aspiration. In addition, there is a cornucopia of suggestions for practice, such as how to focus attention on a task, or how to listen to the sound of your own voice. Dotted with illustrations and charts to further clarify the text, this work is an invitation to a nourishing meal of self-awareness." —S.J.A., Managing Editor, NAPRA Review 


"Following Aldous Huxley, Astrid Fitzgerald's tireless pursuit of an inner path is sure to awaken the heart to bliss and rouse spirit to behold." —David Appelbaum, editor of Parabola Magazine 


“This book is equal parts wisdom, beauty, and inspiration. Astrid Fitzgerald opens the insights of the ages for anyone to follow. Highly recommended.” —Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Beyond the Body, Reinventing Medicine, and Healing Words 


"Astrid Fitzgerald's Being Consciousness Bliss is a well-researched, clearly written account of the essential teachings given by all the major wisdom traditions, which all teach that we are one human family." — Sri Swami Satchidananda, Founder & Spiritual Head, Integral Yoga International /Satchidananda Ashram,Yogaville